Diagnosing Nail Fungus: What To Expect During a Podiatrist Visit

While a fungus is an organism that occurs normally in nature and can be safe to consume in the form of mushrooms, it is not normal for fungi to grow on the body. A nail fungus happens when the skin is infected by a fungal germ called onychomycosis. It creates an undesirable odor, and color and can eventually cause the nail to fall off of the surface of the skin. If a nail fungus does not go away with topical treatments at home, you may need help from Dr. Staci Bogin, a podiatrist at Elite Foot & Ankle Clinic in Thornton, CO.

Signs of a Nail Fungus

The signs of a nail fungus are difficult to ignore. One of the first indications is a very strong unusual odor from the feet that doesn't go away even after washing up. Another sign is when the nail becomes discolored, thick, chalky, and flaky. When the nail begins to lift away from the skin, that is a sign that you should see your Thornton, CO, podiatrist as soon as possible for a nail fungus treatment.

Causes of Nail Fungus

A fungal infection on the toes or nails is usually caused by contact with something or someone in the outer environment. These are some of the most common ways that a patient can contract a nail fungus:

  • Walking barefoot in wet conditions like a swimming pool or public shower.
  • Sharing socks or shoes with someone who has a foot or nail fungus.
  • Wearing athletic shoes that are sweaty and dirty often, especially without clean socks, can lead to a case of Athlete’s Foot.
  • An injury to the toes or an ingrown toenail may make the skin more susceptible to fungal spores.
  • Going to a nail salon that doesn’t use properly sanitized tools.

How a Podiatrist Can Help

Though sometimes the creams you buy at the local pharmacy can help, an advanced case of nail fungus may require prescription medication. You’ll take an oral antifungal medication in addition to topical treatments. Your foot doctor may also have to remove some of the infected parts of the nail so that it has a chance to heal properly. During your visit, you will also have a chance to discuss the possible causes of the nail fungus and how to avoid it in the future.

Is It Time To Seek Help for Nail Fungus?

While some patients have cases of nail fungus that eventually goes away on its own, in some cases you need help from a foot professional before it has a chance to spread. Get help with nail fungus from Dr. Staci Bogin at Elite Foot & Ankle Clinic in Thornton, CO, today by calling (720) 328 2022.

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